Dealer Financial Services
Dealer Financial Services
Peoples Bank is the choice for franchised new car, established used auto dealers, RV dealers and equipment dealers.

Floorplan Lending
Lending Solutions
We support franchised new cars, motorcycles, power sports, recreational vehicles and established pre-owned automotive dealers by providing new and used unit flooring, real estate construction and working capital term loans.
Floorplan Financing
Peoples Bank offers competitive floorplan rates and unit advances, curtailments and maturity dates for new and used inventory, with flexible sold unit payment grace periods. Our state-of-the-art floor plan loan system includes online dealer access, allowing unit flooring and payoff, monthly billing access and payment and detailed floored unit reporting.
We have dedicated bankers in Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D.C., and a dealer operations team who are available by phone or email to respond to your floor plan or indirect needs.
Additional Dealer Products and Services
Offset Accounts,
Sweep Accounts
Mobile Access
to Accounts

Valuable Dealership Services
Peoples Bank is a top 200 bank in the U.S. with $9.3 billion in assets and over $3.5 billion in assets under administration and management. We are also publicly traded on Nasdaq (symbol: PEBO).
As a well-capitalized bank with a low loan-to-deposit ratio, we have nationwide capabilities in equipment leasing and premium financing. In addition, Peoples Bank is licensed for commercial insurance in all 50 states. But with our big bank capabilities comes community bank service. You will always receive local and streamlined decision-making because that’s the PEBO Promise.
Dedicated Dealer Operations Team

Chuck Massa
Dealer Financial Services Segment Leader

Kelly Crouse
Dealer Financial Services Portfolio Manager

Audrey Swick
Dealer Financial Services Portfolio Analyst