Meet Frank Dean, JR, a Peoples Bank Mortgage Consultant in Central Ohio!

Frank is an Army Veteran where he specialized in finance. He loves math and this led him to his first job in home lending in 1989. He has nearly three decades of experience with loan origination, processing, underwriting, and closing.

Frank’s passion for home lending comes from assisting folks with how to evaluate their financial well-being, helping to assess their budget and assets, and successfully navigating the road to homeownership. Peoples Bank’s vision is to be “The Best Community Bank in America,” and Frank desires to “Work Together to Build Success,” with clients and our communities – a constant strive to be better tomorrow than we were yesterday.

Frank said, “I am committed to suppress or eliminate the stress and/or anxiety that usually is associated with buying a home. Too often, home lending professionals leave “silence” as the status during the loan process. I offer a nine-point communication plan, so that all parties involved in the transaction are aware of the status and next touch point throughout the process.”

Frank’s primary source of joy comes from his relationship with his three adult children, Kailey, Chloe, and Caden. He is also an Ohio High School Class 1 Basketball Official and particularly enjoys officiating the elementary school level games because it offers him the opportunity to help the player learn the game the correct way.

Frank can be reached at [email protected] or 614.286.5699.

Meet Frank Dean Jr.
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